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“more naive”
naive (nigh EVE, nah EEV) (adjective), more naive, most naive
1. Unsophisticated, innocent, guileless, childlike: Bonita's big eyes and naive questions made everyone feel protective toward her.
2. Credulous, gullible, unsuspecting: Eve was told not to be so naive as to be taken in by the lies of the next-door neighbor.
3. Etymology: Naive and naiveté (nigh" eev TAY, nigh EE vi tay") come from French naif, "natural, inborn", which comes from Latin nasci, "to be born". The same Latin word has provided English with native and nation.

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2. Credulous, gullible, unsuspecting: Eve was told not to be so naive as to be taken in by the lies of the next-door neighbor.
3. Etymology: Naive and naiveté (nigh" eev TAY, nigh EE vi tay") come from French naif, "natural, inborn", which comes from Latin nasci, "to be born". The same Latin word has provided English with native and nation.

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